People vs. Prieto
FACTS: Accused Prieto was charged with treason. During the Japanese occupation, the accused joined the paramilitary force of the Japanese and acted as an undercover agent for them. He assisted in several executions of suspected guerillas. He was charged of 7 counts of treason. He admitted to counts 1, 2, 3, and 7, but didn’t admit to counts 4, 5, and 6. The special prosecutor was only able to present evidence to support count 4.
HELD/RATIO: The accused was found guilty of treason for counts 1,2,3, and 7; but, he was acquitted for count 4. For counts 1, 2, 3, and 7, the accused was guilty since he admitted. However, he cannot be held liable for count 4 since the two-witness rule wasn’t met. The two witnesses testified to two different incidents. In a different light, common crimes are absorbed in treason.